Sunday, 11 January 2015

Under Pressure

Every other Sunday I will bring you a guest post, my first ever post is from the ever so cute Annaliese Porritt... 

Being in Y6 is quite hard with all the pressure of being at the top of the school and every one looking up to you - as we are told a hundred times a day! Personally I think it is the toughest year, that’s why I look forward to playtime so I can relax.

However, our lower KS1 think of it as a time of fun and play and run riot! While, I do agree they should have fun they keep barging into everyone which results into a painful accident for the unexpected Y6 – INCLUDING ME.

We then have to explain to the teacher why we suddenly have a huge bump/bruise/gouge only to get told: “Just run it off” or “Put a wet paper towel on it” they then take a quick glance and move on to the next victim in line – we deserve better!

 Thank you for reading, Annaliese Porritt, 11.

1 comment:

  1. That's so true ! They do deserve much better 😂😂😂 not that I'm biased I'm just her mammy ❤️
