Thursday 19 February 2015

Kids These Days

Lazy little so and sos. 

When I travel into work I have to go past Macmillan (Macmillan CTC represent!) and yes it's nice going by and remembering all the fond memories of times gone by BUT the traffic is HELL. 

Rather then the simple 20-minute journey of a Saturday afternoon it instead takes 50 minutes to get to work and all because there are SOOOOO many parents dropping off their kids in the car.

BACK IN MY DAY we would either get the school bus, the public bus (which had significantly better people on it S.O to Katie, Kirsty and Sarah Lui!) or even.......... walk *gasp/shock horror!*

No wonder kids are obese if they are getting dropped off door to door everyday and then give BS reasons to get out of PE (although playing hocky on astro turf in the middle of winter is plain torture so I can't blame them for that.) 

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